8472 rank

531,964 points

1,435 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Maddox the unready    Dogs of war
Jaims 7741 Maddox the unready Dogs of war 3,579,139 2,376
Maddox the unready    The lion's head
Odhrorvar 7631 Maddox the unready The lion's head 2,789,534 2,679
Maddox the unready    Pirates
Noarsil 8920 Maddox the unready Pirates 1,539,767 2,000
Maddox the unready    Yodenheim
Rugnir 8472 Maddox the unready Yodenheim 531,964 1,435
Maddox the unready    the dead dogs
Mount Killmore 12576 Maddox the unready the dead dogs 456,923 1,186