13085 rank

53,380 points

260 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The Illusionist    Forgers of Kingdoms
Brisgard 14989 The Illusionist Forgers of Kingdoms 284,026 602
The Illusionist    Destiny Builders
Cirgard 17540 The Illusionist Destiny Builders 71,399 275
The Illusionist   
Rugnir 13085 The Illusionist 53,380 260
The Illusionist    Prestige
Greifental 16791 The Illusionist Prestige 47,152 215
The Illusionist   
Mount Killmore 19206 The Illusionist 33,801 150
The Illusionist   
Odhrorvar 17401 The Illusionist 24,028 137
The Illusionist   
Fel Dranghyr 19124 The Illusionist 21,146 129