1669 rank

65,761,587 points

19,865 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hilary the Kilted Kiwi    Traders of Parkog
Parkog 1054 Hilary the Kilted Kiwi Traders of Parkog 117,483,043 30,167
Hilary the Kilted Kiwi    New Zealand
Noarsil 2380 Hilary the Kilted Kiwi New Zealand 83,778,215 21,930
Hilary the Kilted Kiwi   
East-Nagach 2918 Hilary the Kilted Kiwi 68,138,807 19,313
Hilary the Kilted Kiwi    Just having Fun
Rugnir 1669 Hilary the Kilted Kiwi Just having Fun 65,761,587 19,865
Hilary the Kilted Kiwi   
Houndsmoor 3469 Hilary the Kilted Kiwi 58,836,950 19,642
Hilary the Kilted Kiwi   
Jaims 2922 Hilary the Kilted Kiwi 57,239,819 18,278
Hilary the Kilted Kiwi   
Dinegu 3322 Hilary the Kilted Kiwi 56,981,167 18,899
Hilary the Kilted Kiwi   
Cirgard 3602 Hilary the Kilted Kiwi 46,112,817 14,709
Hilary the Kilted Kiwi    Mindful Wanderers
Brisgard 3868 Hilary the Kilted Kiwi Mindful Wanderers 44,972,706 16,361