1724 rank

73,520,657 points

104,234 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Croesus the Hunter 700    Parabellum
Rugnir 1724 Croesus the Hunter 700 Parabellum 73,520,657 104,234
Croesus the Hunter 700    Garbage
Noarsil 3451 Croesus the Hunter 700 Garbage 46,160,438 85,358
Croesus the Hunter 700    The Judges
Mount Killmore 3486 Croesus the Hunter 700 The Judges 44,862,906 79,363
Croesus the Hunter 700    Gold & Glory
Parkog 2881 Croesus the Hunter 700 Gold & Glory 20,865,927 17,524