2892 rank

22,356,328 points

5,935 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
MarXII    The Academy ®
Cirgard 13 MarXII The Academy ® 4,202,179,221 973,079
Arvahall 1833 MarXII THE NEW HOPE 174,653,869 32,647
MarXII    The Sapphire Order
Brisgard 1979 MarXII The Sapphire Order 144,768,850 23,903
Fel Dranghyr 2159 MarXII HOAX 116,136,111 15,695
Dinegu 2258 MarXII THE BUDGIE SMUGGLERS 113,304,108 17,038
MarXII    Rebel Alliance
East-Nagach 2244 MarXII Rebel Alliance 111,389,818 17,828
MarXII    The Magickal Realm
Greifental 2254 MarXII The Magickal Realm 105,636,321 17,590
MarXII    Wanderlust
Korch 2172 MarXII Wanderlust 96,458,129 13,577
MarXII    Templars Knights
Jaims 2244 MarXII Templars Knights 94,268,573 12,463
MarXII    Dragonfly’s Rest
Houndsmoor 2800 MarXII Dragonfly’s Rest 88,305,459 12,725
MarXII    Brave Heart
Langendorn 2358 MarXII Brave Heart 77,270,978 11,571
MarXII    Guardians of the
Odhrorvar 2378 MarXII Guardians of the 73,036,417 10,542
MarXII    chilled out
Mount Killmore 2574 MarXII chilled out 70,894,982 12,827
MarXII    Diamond Dogs
Parkog 1559 MarXII Diamond Dogs 62,870,378 9,188
MarXII    Freeland
Noarsil 2825 MarXII Freeland 62,050,456 10,733
MarXII    Rogues utd
Rugnir 2892 MarXII Rogues utd 22,356,328 5,935
MarXII    Masters of Mayhem
Sinerania 3248 MarXII Masters of Mayhem 11,883,480 3,774
MarXII    The Chill Guild
Tuulech 2495 MarXII The Chill Guild 5,980,186 2,404
MarXII    Kingdom of Jerusa
Uceria 3755 MarXII Kingdom of Jerusa 794,704 714