652 rank

256,347,580 points

48,548 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Uther the Chonky Rabbit    Perpetuum mobile
Rugnir 652 Uther the Chonky Rabbit Perpetuum mobile 256,347,580 48,548
Uther the Chonky Rabbit    Justice League
Sinerania 3852 Uther the Chonky Rabbit Justice League 8,052,676 7,327
Uther the Chonky Rabbit    Crohr
Arvahall 8957 Uther the Chonky Rabbit Crohr 5,968,299 6,715
Uther the Chonky Rabbit    Relaxation
Fel Dranghyr 9087 Uther the Chonky Rabbit Relaxation 1,905,045 3,227
Uther the Chonky Rabbit    ClanKemosabi
Mount Killmore 16769 Uther the Chonky Rabbit ClanKemosabi 83,062 195