8596 rank

499,948 points

595 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
OldRoberto    Walking
Rugnir 8596 OldRoberto Walking 499,948 595
OldRoberto    Martins
Noarsil 11894 OldRoberto Martins 361,475 654
OldRoberto    Hair of the Dog
Brisgard 15143 OldRoberto Hair of the Dog 267,485 496
OldRoberto    People of the EMPIRE
East-Nagach 13891 OldRoberto People of the EMPIRE 235,501 376
OldRoberto    Sanctuary of Athena
Cirgard 15051 OldRoberto Sanctuary of Athena 202,760 399
OldRoberto    Deuxberry
Fel Dranghyr 14403 OldRoberto Deuxberry 157,017 285
OldRoberto    Knights Allies
Uceria 6029 OldRoberto Knights Allies 120,590 172