9436 rank

336,886 points

166 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dave the Great    Cazador conclave
Arvahall 4527 Dave the Great Cazador conclave 41,298,990 4,206
Dave the Great   
Fel Dranghyr 4988 Dave the Great 20,049,164 2,924
Dave the Great    Collie Kru
Dinegu 6376 Dave the Great Collie Kru 10,601,693 1,627
Dave the Great    Homesteaders
Brisgard 7062 Dave the Great Homesteaders 10,370,406 2,042
Dave the Great    Cats
East-Nagach 6628 Dave the Great Cats 9,335,609 1,465
Dave the Great   
Cirgard 6863 Dave the Great 9,327,965 1,857
Dave the Great    The Diamond Miners
Greifental 10457 Dave the Great The Diamond Miners 867,892 414
Dave the Great   
Jaims 10465 Dave the Great 839,232 256
Dave the Great    Galactic Empire
Houndsmoor 12062 Dave the Great Galactic Empire 653,581 317
Dave the Great   
Korch 11332 Dave the Great 545,489 243
Dave the Great    Power & Passion
Mount Killmore 12542 Dave the Great Power & Passion 456,909 195
Dave the Great    Willow
Langendorn 11094 Dave the Great Willow 448,893 161
Dave the Great   
Rugnir 9436 Dave the Great 336,886 166
Dave the Great    Relax - for now!
Tuulech 6359 Dave the Great Relax - for now! 254,501 168
Dave the Great    Beau's Heroes
Parkog 9542 Dave the Great Beau's Heroes 236,045 168
Dave the Great    U.A. Lemberg πŸ―πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
Odhrorvar 15509 Dave the Great U.A. Lemberg πŸ―πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ 52,496 37