1093 rank

151,438,037 points

15,294 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bigpete59    Untamed
Brisgard 1330 Bigpete59 Untamed 283,873,810 22,265
Bigpete59    Angues Imperatores
Cirgard 1401 Bigpete59 Angues Imperatores 252,487,849 19,865
Bigpete59    WOLF PACK
Dinegu 1728 Bigpete59 WOLF PACK 192,338,345 17,351
Bigpete59    Ausguild
Rugnir 1093 Bigpete59 Ausguild 151,438,037 15,294
Bigpete59    Prestige
Greifental 1958 Bigpete59 Prestige 150,629,841 14,153
Arvahall 2282 Bigpete59 THE GOOD SHEPHERDS 147,821,581 16,644
Bigpete59    New Oceans
East-Nagach 2112 Bigpete59 New Oceans 141,559,117 13,988
Bigpete59    The Executioners
Odhrorvar 1964 Bigpete59 The Executioners 117,954,218 13,731
Bigpete59    Adults 30+
Houndsmoor 2594 Bigpete59 Adults 30+ 115,969,687 11,731
Bigpete59    Annuit Coeptis
Noarsil 2136 Bigpete59 Annuit Coeptis 115,740,470 11,166
Bigpete59    ⚡️NRNS⚡️
Jaims 2475 Bigpete59 ⚡️NRNS⚡️ 91,576,534 8,472
Bigpete59    💎 Diamond Farm 💎
Mount Killmore 2539 Bigpete59 💎 Diamond Farm 💎 85,354,644 8,966
Bigpete59    "ESTONIA ; EESTI !!"
Korch 2538 Bigpete59 "ESTONIA ; EESTI !!" 84,680,141 7,992
Bigpete59    Ursus Syndicate
Langendorn 2443 Bigpete59 Ursus Syndicate 82,875,060 8,295