4538 rank

7,774,966 points

4,136 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Fredericka the Proud    Jäääärlased
Mount Killmore 3044 Fredericka the Proud Jäääärlased 57,747,832 7,833
Fredericka the Proud    Legends of yESTerday
Noarsil 3175 Fredericka the Proud Legends of yESTerday 54,977,694 17,407
Fredericka the Proud   
Greifental 4316 Fredericka the Proud 30,176,845 8,482
Fredericka the Proud    •Drakkar•
Korch 4494 Fredericka the Proud •Drakkar• 22,745,271 5,603
Fredericka the Proud    Legendary Army
Sinerania 2788 Fredericka the Proud Legendary Army 18,863,726 8,309
Fredericka the Proud   
Arvahall 8154 Fredericka the Proud 8,767,566 3,998
Fredericka the Proud    Eesti
Rugnir 4538 Fredericka the Proud Eesti 7,774,966 4,136