13064 rank

53,799 points

161 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lady Stroh the 1st    Aussie all the way
Greifental 10740 Lady Stroh the 1st Aussie all the way 762,438 1,690
Lady Stroh the 1st   
Noarsil 11924 Lady Stroh the 1st 354,448 1,601
Lady Stroh the 1st    Foxes
Mount Killmore 13801 Lady Stroh the 1st Foxes 271,151 1,127
Lady Stroh the 1st   
Rugnir 13064 Lady Stroh the 1st 53,799 161
Lady Stroh the 1st   
Arvahall 23409 Lady Stroh the 1st 22,764 82