38 rank

2,191,366,531 points

618,904 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Druss the Legend.   
Rugnir 38 Druss the Legend. 2,191,366,531 618,904
Druss the Legend.    Horny Badgers
East-Nagach 4717 Druss the Legend. Horny Badgers 24,581,748 9,770
Druss the Legend.    Dros Delnoch
Mount Killmore 5683 Druss the Legend. Dros Delnoch 12,537,695 5,175
Druss the Legend.    Dros Delnoch
Odhrorvar 5286 Druss the Legend. Dros Delnoch 11,739,133 4,168