1808 rank

66,216,621 points

14,371 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
tony the druid    Friends4Fun
Jaims 2491 tony the druid Friends4Fun 88,005,549 16,915
tony the druid    Glory
Rugnir 1808 tony the druid Glory 66,216,621 14,371
tony the druid    ARGOUNOTS
Odhrorvar 2698 tony the druid ARGOUNOTS 64,985,313 13,413
tony the druid    Scotland The Brave
Houndsmoor 3711 tony the druid Scotland The Brave 56,218,162 12,320
tony the druid    HOAX
Fel Dranghyr 3445 tony the druid HOAX 52,456,393 12,188
tony the druid    helldive impostors
Parkog 1915 tony the druid helldive impostors 50,210,198 11,204
tony the druid    Middle Earth PC
Sinerania 2115 tony the druid Middle Earth PC 32,324,778 10,387
tony the druid    Kingdom of Jerusalem
Arvahall 5351 tony the druid Kingdom of Jerusalem 28,220,500 7,816
tony the druid    gerard
East-Nagach 5319 tony the druid gerard 17,822,532 6,032