2443 rank

26,281,320 points

10,516 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Anvil Master    |~The Builders~| R
Rugnir 2443 Anvil Master |~The Builders~| R 26,281,320 10,516
Anvil Master    Diamonds & Farmers
Dinegu 4740 Anvil Master Diamonds & Farmers 20,661,218 12,835
Anvil Master    Halls of Valhalla
East-Nagach 5598 Anvil Master Halls of Valhalla 12,931,757 10,125
Anvil Master    The Wheel of Trade
Brisgard 9195 Anvil Master The Wheel of Trade 3,236,675 4,787
Anvil Master    X Force
Cirgard 9229 Anvil Master X Force 2,399,039 3,720
Anvil Master    The Great Escapers
Fel Dranghyr 9276 Anvil Master The Great Escapers 1,655,195 3,299
Anvil Master    ♛The Lion's Pride♛
Greifental 15073 Anvil Master ♛The Lion's Pride♛ 119,834 378