4651 rank

6,452,942 points

4,592 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Alfie the Poo    Aloha
Fel Dranghyr 6948 Alfie the Poo Aloha 6,591,048 4,333
Alfie the Poo    Celtic Dragoons
Rugnir 4651 Alfie the Poo Celtic Dragoons 6,452,942 4,592
Alfie the Poo   
Dinegu 7741 Alfie the Poo 4,964,507 4,172
Alfie the Poo   
Langendorn 7031 Alfie the Poo 4,263,036 4,647
Alfie the Poo    Don’t play often
Odhrorvar 6970 Alfie the Poo Don’t play often 4,220,366 4,480
Alfie the Poo   
Arvahall 9855 Alfie the Poo 3,858,526 4,348
Alfie the Poo   
Mount Killmore 13429 Alfie the Poo 326,653 711