3446 rank

16,801,230 points

32,742 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Helene of Barnes    🦁The Lion's Mane🦁
Greifental 3909 Helene of Barnes 🦁The Lion's Mane🦁 38,651,444 29,862
Helene of Barnes    Trading company
Mount Killmore 3995 Helene of Barnes Trading company 31,750,209 62,833
Helene of Barnes    THE RED ROSES
Brisgard 5231 Helene of Barnes THE RED ROSES 23,804,822 41,590
Helene of Barnes    Mostly Monty Python
Rugnir 3446 Helene of Barnes Mostly Monty Python 16,801,230 32,742