4892 rank

5,800,615 points

9,733 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Shep the 3rd    💘L o v e r s💘
Korch 2123 Shep the 3rd 💘L o v e r s💘 110,677,613 45,725
Shep the 3rd    Shep R
Rugnir 4892 Shep the 3rd Shep R 5,800,615 9,733
Shep the 3rd    Shep Temp
Dinegu 7973 Shep the 3rd Shep Temp 4,629,872 7,821
Shep the 3rd    Shep N
Noarsil 7308 Shep the 3rd Shep N 4,347,444 8,040