9309 rank

349,605 points

741 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Scaromen the Wise   
Arvahall 15522 Scaromen the Wise 416,634 958
Scaromen the Wise    white rose
Rugnir 9309 Scaromen the Wise white rose 349,605 741
Scaromen the Wise    event horizon
Houndsmoor 13772 Scaromen the Wise event horizon 324,032 602
Scaromen the Wise   
Parkog 9214 Scaromen the Wise 274,838 549
Scaromen the Wise    Whynot
Mount Killmore 14058 Scaromen the Wise Whynot 249,355 478
Scaromen the Wise    Jokers and Tokers
Sinerania 12604 Scaromen the Wise Jokers and Tokers 50,737 224
Scaromen the Wise   
Odhrorvar 16775 Scaromen the Wise 31,870 121
Scaromen the Wise   
Tuulech 10220 Scaromen the Wise 25,637 139