10825 rank

172,486 points

934 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cheka3410    Great White North
Arvahall 17245 Cheka3410 Great White North 246,308 854
Rugnir 10825 Cheka3410 172,486 934
Cheka3410    The Outcasts
Mount Killmore 15490 Cheka3410 The Outcasts 161,101 597
Cheka3410    Railway Town
Brisgard 16952 Cheka3410 Railway Town 151,005 583
Cheka3410    龙 ĐɌȺǤØNFLIES 龍
Tuulech 6851 Cheka3410 龙 ĐɌȺǤØNFLIES 龍 108,199 417
Odhrorvar 15601 Cheka3410 66,107 236