5468 rank

3,881,392 points

4,481 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
LuckyJoe    Lions of Italy
East-Nagach 4436 LuckyJoe Lions of Italy 28,993,209 11,368
LuckyJoe    Empire Rising
Houndsmoor 4983 LuckyJoe Empire Rising 27,864,707 12,213
LuckyJoe    Aos Si
Cirgard 4775 LuckyJoe Aos Si 26,060,661 19,109
LuckyJoe    Legion of Badgers
Fel Dranghyr 5535 LuckyJoe Legion of Badgers 14,717,939 9,679
LuckyJoe    The Lion's Den
Greifental 5613 LuckyJoe The Lion's Den 14,301,878 11,449
LuckyJoe    Queen’s feast
Brisgard 6397 LuckyJoe Queen’s feast 13,833,830 9,835
LuckyJoe    Knightfall
Sinerania 3198 LuckyJoe Knightfall 13,829,330 10,217
LuckyJoe    Dovahkiin
Dinegu 5934 LuckyJoe Dovahkiin 13,249,177 11,587
LuckyJoe    Cryo-Inferno
Uceria 1711 LuckyJoe Cryo-Inferno 12,260,190 7,959
LuckyJoe    Independent players
Odhrorvar 5238 LuckyJoe Independent players 12,124,304 8,726
LuckyJoe    Just4fun
Korch 5859 LuckyJoe Just4fun 10,709,495 7,874
LuckyJoe    The Monarchs
Arvahall 7868 LuckyJoe The Monarchs 9,884,308 7,952
LuckyJoe    boring
Tuulech 2377 LuckyJoe boring 8,333,968 7,735
LuckyJoe    Easy Going Guild
Jaims 6737 LuckyJoe Easy Going Guild 6,975,079 5,897
LuckyJoe    Kikiam 😁
Noarsil 6809 LuckyJoe Kikiam 😁 6,028,265 5,694
LuckyJoe    the pen crew
Parkog 4551 LuckyJoe the pen crew 5,902,140 5,252
LuckyJoe    Rugnir Renegades
Rugnir 5468 LuckyJoe Rugnir Renegades 3,881,392 4,481
LuckyJoe    safe
Langendorn 7355 LuckyJoe safe 3,612,040 5,280
LuckyJoe    Diamond Lovers
Mount Killmore 8642 LuckyJoe Diamond Lovers 2,600,303 4,202