11906 rank

103,228 points

127 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
molthedol    Lunar
Parkog 3237 molthedol Lunar 11,211,415 1,672
molthedol    NEW FUTURE😎
Langendorn 5482 molthedol NEW FUTURE😎 9,641,815 1,121
molthedol    The Red Court
Jaims 6763 molthedol The Red Court 5,664,645 866
molthedol    Green Dragon
Brisgard 15191 molthedol Green Dragon 288,521 191
molthedol    🧐 i4Ni 🧐
Rugnir 11906 molthedol 🧐 i4Ni 🧐 103,228 127