4985 rank

5,617,220 points

1,464 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sullivan29397    The Forgotten
Brisgard 7488 Sullivan29397 The Forgotten 8,861,458 1,863
Sullivan29397    Lords of Midnight
Arvahall 8431 Sullivan29397 Lords of Midnight 8,167,202 2,042
Sullivan29397    ⚔️Vikings⚔️
Tuulech 2449 Sullivan29397 ⚔️Vikings⚔️ 8,137,071 1,770
Sullivan29397    The Fellowship 🍻
Dinegu 6938 Sullivan29397 The Fellowship 🍻 8,066,961 1,893
Sullivan29397    White Rose
East-Nagach 7075 Sullivan29397 White Rose 7,600,188 1,756
Sullivan29397    Alchemists Academy 2
Korch 6551 Sullivan29397 Alchemists Academy 2 7,476,397 1,499
Sullivan29397    Fearsome Fokkers
Houndsmoor 7598 Sullivan29397 Fearsome Fokkers 7,320,923 1,506
Sullivan29397    Order of the Eagle
Cirgard 7435 Sullivan29397 Order of the Eagle 7,260,764 1,512
Sullivan29397    The Forgotten
Parkog 4433 Sullivan29397 The Forgotten 6,647,069 1,445
Sullivan29397    Outcasted
Uceria 2309 Sullivan29397 Outcasted 6,425,895 1,674
Sullivan29397    The Forgotten
Noarsil 6746 Sullivan29397 The Forgotten 6,376,688 1,425
Sullivan29397    KNIGHTS WATCH
Langendorn 6548 Sullivan29397 KNIGHTS WATCH 6,220,810 1,553
Sullivan29397    The Forgotten
Mount Killmore 7150 Sullivan29397 The Forgotten 6,135,322 1,247
Sullivan29397    The Forgotten
Jaims 6977 Sullivan29397 The Forgotten 6,122,939 1,227
Sullivan29397    Kings Landing II
Odhrorvar 6482 Sullivan29397 Kings Landing II 6,032,176 1,705
Sullivan29397    The Out Casted
Fel Dranghyr 7264 Sullivan29397 The Out Casted 5,968,567 1,460
Sullivan29397    The Forgotten
Greifental 7299 Sullivan29397 The Forgotten 5,843,087 1,336
Rugnir 4985 Sullivan29397 5,617,220 1,464
Sullivan29397    The forgotten
Sinerania 4553 Sullivan29397 The forgotten 5,407,842 1,444