12725 rank

70,624 points

114 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
dj425    Duuuu
Parkog 3843 dj425 Duuuu 7,166,995 3,119
dj425    fast and furrius
Mount Killmore 10275 dj425 fast and furrius 1,128,452 1,117
dj425    It's only a game!
Arvahall 13258 dj425 It's only a game! 905,115 1,002
Tuulech 4677 dj425 COOL WOLF EMPIRE 458,292 608
dj425    chill Winston
Noarsil 11610 dj425 chill Winston 436,543 527
dj425    God of war
East-Nagach 12570 dj425 God of war 425,651 642
dj425    Thor's Minions
Brisgard 14236 dj425 Thor's Minions 405,715 431
dj425    BadMoonRising
Sinerania 10123 dj425 BadMoonRising 166,798 271
dj425    Dad's Army
Dinegu 15744 dj425 Dad's Army 122,410 251
dj425    peace and war
Fel Dranghyr 15389 dj425 peace and war 120,893 225
dj425    Wanderers
Langendorn 15151 dj425 Wanderers 81,476 161
Korch 16216 dj425 73,607 165
dj425    Good Thing!
Rugnir 12725 dj425 Good Thing! 70,624 114
dj425    Unfathomable
Odhrorvar 15702 dj425 Unfathomable 62,913 80
dj425    guildless
Uceria 6393 dj425 guildless 52,551 57