2343 rank

27,638,749 points

5,411 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lellan McLemore    Tony
Brisgard 3277 Lellan McLemore Tony 53,444,974 5,331
Lellan McLemore    The Ultimate Heroes
Noarsil 3244 Lellan McLemore The Ultimate Heroes 40,315,636 5,529
Lellan McLemore    Lone Wolf
Greifental 3547 Lellan McLemore Lone Wolf 38,616,994 5,246
Lellan McLemore    Mordor
Fel Dranghyr 3535 Lellan McLemore Mordor 38,012,522 5,450
Lellan McLemore    CAMELOT
Dinegu 3730 Lellan McLemore CAMELOT 37,556,873 5,608
Lellan McLemore    BEARSDEN
Jaims 3431 Lellan McLemore BEARSDEN 35,185,225 5,323
Lellan McLemore    Hansa League
Rugnir 2343 Lellan McLemore Hansa League 27,638,749 5,411
Lellan McLemore    BattleTraders
Odhrorvar 3779 Lellan McLemore BattleTraders 23,601,631 6,130
Lellan McLemore    The World Alliance
Cirgard 5978 Lellan McLemore The World Alliance 11,544,780 3,703