1986 rank

49,390,807 points

10,490 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mcs2 The Great   
Rugnir 1986 Mcs2 The Great 49,390,807 10,490
Mcs2 The Great   
Arvahall 4840 Mcs2 The Great 32,452,879 7,624
Mcs2 The Great   
Brisgard 4848 Mcs2 The Great 26,617,926 7,304
Mcs2 The Great   
Parkog 5350 Mcs2 The Great 2,815,700 3,274
Mcs2 The Great    Retribution
Tuulech 6187 Mcs2 The Great Retribution 237,604 737