2635 rank

32,835,114 points

53,296 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Gh0stee    THE KINGDOM
Korch 3094 Gh0stee THE KINGDOM 58,664,278 69,778
Gh0stee    🔱Pegasus🔱
Houndsmoor 3862 Gh0stee 🔱Pegasus🔱 53,237,905 55,982
Gh0stee    Dragons Dimension
Parkog 2263 Gh0stee Dragons Dimension 36,498,247 52,450
Gh0stee    ⚔️ Royal Knights⚔️
Arvahall 4892 Gh0stee ⚔️ Royal Knights⚔️ 35,738,914 55,092
Gh0stee    🇺🇦NEW START
Rugnir 2635 Gh0stee 🇺🇦NEW START 32,835,114 53,296
Gh0stee    Chocolate and Chilli
Odhrorvar 3958 Gh0stee Chocolate and Chilli 26,869,222 40,909
Sinerania 3403 Gh0stee NAŠA EKIPA/OUR TEAM 12,506,724 25,473