404 rank

409,153,117 points

184,173 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Timer X7    ! NO MERCY !
Greifental 93 Timer X7 ! NO MERCY ! 2,027,909,890 671,655
Timer X7    The ASYLUM
Rugnir 404 Timer X7 The ASYLUM 409,153,117 184,173
Timer X7    ☠️The Pirate Ship⚔️
Korch 796 Timer X7 ☠️The Pirate Ship⚔️ 359,604,480 190,207
Timer X7    Wolf-Pack✌️
Odhrorvar 762 Timer X7 Wolf-Pack✌️ 349,929,296 206,900
Timer X7    Outcast Fellowship
Fel Dranghyr 1087 Timer X7 Outcast Fellowship 321,873,528 192,769