Rank Name
1 Joan the Lion 996
1 Joan the Lion 996
2 gurugsk
2 gurugsk
3 Louis the Lion 697
3 Louis the Lion 697
4 TKGamer
4 TKGamer
5 whateverchap
5 whateverchap
6 TheMaci
6 TheMaci
7 Cr4nkz
7 Cr4nkz
8 Saxon the Fatal
8 Saxon the Fatal
9 Brutus the Vengeful 712
9 Brutus the Vengeful 712
10 Eusebius the Brash 1280
10 Eusebius the Brash 1280
11 LaurensJ.
11 LaurensJ.
12 Kobe0803
12 Kobe0803
13 Scubagrl
13 Scubagrl
14 OddBall71
14 OddBall71
15 Honoria the Great 1594
15 Honoria the Great 1594
16 Gerr
16 Gerr
17 JustSmeggy2
17 JustSmeggy2
18 Olamitus
18 Olamitus
19 wukalangu
19 wukalangu
20 TONKA 87
20 TONKA 87
21 Euphemia the Bold 2106
21 Euphemia the Bold 2106
22 NikonD500
22 NikonD500
23 Theresa the Cruel 1537
23 Theresa the Cruel 1537
24 Lucilla the Noble 1607
24 Lucilla the Noble 1607
25 dt44
25 dt44
26 Brennius the Wise 1302
26 Brennius the Wise 1302
27 Smoji
27 Smoji
28 Natural spirit
28 Natural spirit
29 VividEx
29 VividEx
30 steph1963
30 steph1963
31 Ibra21
31 Ibra21
32 toblerone13
32 toblerone13
33 Bob1009
33 Bob1009
34 Stan Fritz
34 Stan Fritz
35 avatarsouth
35 avatarsouth
36 Goldstone91
36 Goldstone91
37 gabi63
37 gabi63
38 granda92
38 granda92
39 Oddy23
39 Oddy23
40 MercifulScottish21935
40 MercifulScottish21935
41 nataliaparters
41 nataliaparters
42 limecheesecake
42 limecheesecake
43 Zoe the Magnificent 1282
43 Zoe the Magnificent 1282
44 Monnarca
44 Monnarca
45 herrydanial
45 herrydanial
46 Edne
46 Edne
47 Messalina the Brash 1269
47 Messalina the Brash 1269
48 Akhil14
48 Akhil14
49 InvincibleTribal71025
49 InvincibleTribal71025

activity index

- Inactive player.
- Only produced resources - farmer.
- At least one battle - fighter.

The activity index is calculated as the total number of all days for each player in the guild.