Rank Name
1 MSElsie
1 MSElsie
2 buggalugs
2 buggalugs
3 Moe Money
3 Moe Money
4 robbyparkohtani
4 robbyparkohtani
5 AnneDroid
5 AnneDroid
6 WiseTosser
6 WiseTosser
7 CheeseheadinParadise
7 CheeseheadinParadise
8 Geraldine 1
8 Geraldine 1
9 Eavesdrop
9 Eavesdrop
10 jonski86
10 jonski86
11 Oddbodkins
11 Oddbodkins
12 bt2023
12 bt2023
13 Humwawa
13 Humwawa
14 dm187
14 dm187
15 Bluestycoon
15 Bluestycoon
16 JollySJ
16 JollySJ
17 CitizenK
17 CitizenK
18 crankbuddy
18 crankbuddy
19 TKayVn
19 TKayVn
20 uncleeyes
20 uncleeyes
21 Redtalon
21 Redtalon
22 oddjob47
22 oddjob47
23 virushq
23 virushq
24 LuckyNo7
24 LuckyNo7
25 Hempton
25 Hempton
26 Pericamo
26 Pericamo
27 LauS27
27 LauS27
28 graygray
28 graygray
29 PMAS7
29 PMAS7
30 ruhaniakv
30 ruhaniakv
31 Beatrix the Valiant 1453
31 Beatrix the Valiant 1453
32 Fundyian
32 Fundyian
33 Alexander the Black 1700
33 Alexander the Black 1700
34 Basiliscus the Dire 3145
34 Basiliscus the Dire 3145
35 bowman75
35 bowman75
36 han Asparuh - 681
36 han Asparuh - 681
37 1968vett83
37 1968vett83
38 the forfar soldier
38 the forfar soldier
39 Hariibo
39 Hariibo
40 Seleukus the Great 1211
40 Seleukus the Great 1211
41 Falcon2001
41 Falcon2001
42 Handy man
42 Handy man
43 manchesterchi
43 manchesterchi
44 MATHO28
44 MATHO28
45 Antiochos the Just 1953
45 Antiochos the Just 1953
46 pudseyboy60
46 pudseyboy60
47 bjjm2
47 bjjm2
48 The Mighty Banana
48 The Mighty Banana
49 Antoninus the Sly 1934
49 Antoninus the Sly 1934
50 Dave dragonia
50 Dave dragonia
51 RoyalUnicorn
51 RoyalUnicorn
52 Cleomenes III
52 Cleomenes III
53 VladimirVazov
53 VladimirVazov
54 Asim Abbas
54 Asim Abbas
55 Apollonius the Hawk 3515
55 Apollonius the Hawk 3515
56 Scaryb123
56 Scaryb123
57 DionUHF
57 DionUHF
58 Jason the great Adamss
58 Jason the great Adamss
59 Mike4596
59 Mike4596
60 wookiebeard
60 wookiebeard
61 Constantinos the Dingo
61 Constantinos the Dingo
62 vicpac120
62 vicpac120
63 Chantal1111
63 Chantal1111
64 referee66
64 referee66
65 Pompeia the Hunter 1583
65 Pompeia the Hunter 1583
66 drorn64
66 drorn64
67 stoekeeper
67 stoekeeper
68 Jeanlock
68 Jeanlock
69 DwaynesaurusRex
69 DwaynesaurusRex

activity index

- Inactive player.
- Only produced resources - farmer.
- At least one battle - fighter.

The activity index is calculated as the total number of all days for each player in the guild.