2761 rank

19,847,849 points

6,873 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Nellie No.1    Kernow Krusades
Noarsil 424 Nellie No.1 Kernow Krusades 766,533,831 126,698
Nellie No.1    The Hermit's Den
Sinerania 2761 Nellie No.1 The Hermit's Den 19,847,849 6,873
Nellie No.1    Kernow Krusades
Arvahall 10932 Nellie No.1 Kernow Krusades 2,636,757 2,496
Nellie No.1    Kernow Krusades
East-Nagach 9169 Nellie No.1 Kernow Krusades 2,253,986 2,556