7073 rank

893,259 points

533 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
leaperleahy    ÉMPIRES DELIGHT
Brisgard 10511 leaperleahy ÉMPIRES DELIGHT 1,892,133 854
leaperleahy    Unstoppable
Korch 8990 leaperleahy Unstoppable 1,747,294 984
leaperleahy    the name of rose
Cirgard 10031 leaperleahy the name of rose 1,728,373 1,077
leaperleahy    Leaper Kings
Arvahall 11984 leaperleahy Leaper Kings 1,598,745 946
leaperleahy    ural
Greifental 9387 leaperleahy ural 1,572,283 946
leaperleahy    The Neighbors
Houndsmoor 10243 leaperleahy The Neighbors 1,534,375 826
leaperleahy    NewGuild
Jaims 9268 leaperleahy NewGuild 1,501,008 946
leaperleahy    Immortal
Noarsil 9287 leaperleahy Immortal 1,277,843 1,014
leaperleahy    Goodfellas
Odhrorvar 9202 leaperleahy Goodfellas 1,162,563 819
leaperleahy    ???
Rugnir 7484 leaperleahy ??? 970,377 638
leaperleahy    Knights of the South
Parkog 7043 leaperleahy Knights of the South 950,962 765
leaperleahy    BABA3
Sinerania 7073 leaperleahy BABA3 893,259 533