3455 rank

10,251,063 points

1,899 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
chi the chichi    Betty Boo
Dinegu 5718 chi the chichi Betty Boo 13,734,855 2,665
chi the chichi   
Cirgard 6439 chi the chichi 10,432,275 2,277
chi the chichi    Do-nothing
Odhrorvar 5407 chi the chichi Do-nothing 10,255,370 2,435
chi the chichi   
Sinerania 3455 chi the chichi 10,251,063 1,899
chi the chichi   
Greifental 6168 chi the chichi 10,072,478 2,508
chi the chichi   
East-Nagach 7509 chi the chichi 5,475,584 1,844
chi the chichi    Empire
Langendorn 7512 chi the chichi Empire 3,125,939 1,368
chi the chichi    Ghost
Noarsil 13668 chi the chichi Ghost 158,670 242