3075 rank

10,905,989 points

10,584 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Squire of Forest Deep   
Rugnir 3050 Squire of Forest Deep 16,102,338 12,277
Squire of Forest Deep   
Odhrorvar 4841 Squire of Forest Deep 12,601,906 10,347
Squire of Forest Deep   
Parkog 3152 Squire of Forest Deep 11,832,737 10,894
Squire of Forest Deep   
Sinerania 3075 Squire of Forest Deep 10,905,989 10,584
Squire of Forest Deep    Diamond Chasers EN18
Tuulech 6929 Squire of Forest Deep Diamond Chasers EN18 102,545 448