4658 rank

4,805,708 points

4,930 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Euph the Spider    Black Leviathan
Rugnir 194 Euph the Spider Black Leviathan 858,869,289 177,527
Euph the Spider    TheMe
Greifental 7196 Euph the Spider TheMe 6,025,977 5,923
Euph the Spider    TheMe
Sinerania 4658 Euph the Spider TheMe 4,805,708 4,930
Euph the Spider    TheMe
Parkog 5314 Euph the Spider TheMe 3,198,541 3,909
Euph the Spider    TheMe
Odhrorvar 7787 Euph the Spider TheMe 2,650,409 3,057