10335 rank

155,938 points

124 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Houndsmoor 11507 rapier1911 839,630 395
rapier1911    Sky knights
Greifental 12196 rapier1911 Sky knights 375,593 247
rapier1911    Total Freedom
East-Nagach 13706 rapier1911 Total Freedom 247,323 148
rapier1911    Men of Mayhem
Jaims 13257 rapier1911 Men of Mayhem 232,455 167
rapier1911    Iron Lords
Langendorn 13243 rapier1911 Iron Lords 163,553 114
Sinerania 10335 rapier1911 155,938 124
rapier1911    Warwick castle
Mount Killmore 16936 rapier1911 Warwick castle 75,913 88