4289 rank

6,228,017 points

2,217 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
shaggey69    Warhorse™️ 🐎
Arvahall 380 shaggey69 Warhorse™️ 🐎 975,671,738 181,611
shaggey69    Anarchy
Brisgard 678 shaggey69 Anarchy 589,554,618 89,004
shaggey69    Independent
East-Nagach 764 shaggey69 Independent 537,019,768 86,433
shaggey69    The Equinox Dragon
Cirgard 731 shaggey69 The Equinox Dragon 518,378,804 76,009
shaggey69    Matildas Minions
Dinegu 765 shaggey69 Matildas Minions 476,207,779 72,416
shaggey69    one left
Greifental 2895 shaggey69 one left 73,660,173 9,057
shaggey69    llllll
Fel Dranghyr 3153 shaggey69 llllll 63,238,073 7,863
shaggey69    one
Houndsmoor 5137 shaggey69 one 25,583,916 4,438
shaggey69    Canada Trades
Odhrorvar 5292 shaggey69 Canada Trades 11,727,696 2,656
shaggey69    The Black pig
Korch 6006 shaggey69 The Black pig 9,911,274 2,601
shaggey69    shag
Jaims 6181 shaggey69 shag 9,279,553 1,900
shaggey69    shag
Mount Killmore 6545 shaggey69 shag 8,246,566 2,078
shaggey69    just
Langendorn 6313 shaggey69 just 6,971,596 1,920
shaggey69    The Wikips fire
Sinerania 4289 shaggey69 The Wikips fire 6,228,017 2,217
shaggey69    The new and the lost
Noarsil 6774 shaggey69 The new and the lost 6,162,328 1,977
shaggey69    croatians
Rugnir 5020 shaggey69 croatians 5,284,331 1,770
shaggey69    the only one
Parkog 5016 shaggey69 the only one 4,098,017 1,516