3821 rank

9,125,256 points

12,220 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Thales the Cunning 777    FREE THINKING
Korch 1664 Thales the Cunning 777 FREE THINKING 165,820,378 15,906
Thales the Cunning 777    USS Draculantis
East-Nagach 2668 Thales the Cunning 777 USS Draculantis 92,222,476 14,319
Thales the Cunning 777    Just for event
Greifental 2740 Thales the Cunning 777 Just for event 84,963,893 12,798
Thales the Cunning 777    Fellowship Ultima
Arvahall 3386 Thales the Cunning 777 Fellowship Ultima 76,784,901 14,530
Thales the Cunning 777    Fearless
Sinerania 3821 Thales the Cunning 777 Fearless 9,125,256 12,220
Thales the Cunning 777    BEARSDEN
Rugnir 4688 Thales the Cunning 777 BEARSDEN 7,023,761 15,276