2434 rank

24,610,104 points

9,142 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jonsi the Great    Statler & Waldorf
Brisgard 3142 Jonsi the Great Statler & Waldorf 75,443,943 15,076
Jonsi the Great    Better alone!
Arvahall 3647 Jonsi the Great Better alone! 64,574,523 12,586
Jonsi the Great    Jonsi
Dinegu 3498 Jonsi the Great Jonsi 55,862,881 13,238
Jonsi the Great    Jonsi
East-Nagach 3761 Jonsi the Great Jonsi 43,072,216 12,983
Jonsi the Great    fair trade guild
Fel Dranghyr 3796 Jonsi the Great fair trade guild 41,980,413 11,141
Jonsi the Great    Drunk Monkeys
Cirgard 3948 Jonsi the Great Drunk Monkeys 41,128,677 10,688
Jonsi the Great    Jonsi alone
Noarsil 3679 Jonsi the Great Jonsi alone 38,780,671 8,092
Jonsi the Great    Jonsi
Greifental 4077 Jonsi the Great Jonsi 35,304,655 9,690
Jonsi the Great    Jonsi LV
Mount Killmore 3866 Jonsi the Great Jonsi LV 34,861,199 9,098
Jonsi the Great    Just4fun
Korch 3943 Jonsi the Great Just4fun 31,592,024 9,332
Jonsi the Great    My guild! My rules!
Rugnir 2661 Jonsi the Great My guild! My rules! 30,615,744 10,690
Jonsi the Great    War Sloths
Parkog 2420 Jonsi the Great War Sloths 30,218,797 11,070
Jonsi the Great    Jonsi
Odhrorvar 3789 Jonsi the Great Jonsi 29,557,339 9,093
Jonsi the Great    --V--
Jaims 4149 Jonsi the Great --V-- 28,809,984 7,914
Jonsi the Great    Sons of Anarchy ⚔️
Sinerania 2434 Jonsi the Great Sons of Anarchy ⚔️ 24,610,104 9,142
Jonsi the Great    My guild, my rules!
Langendorn 4193 Jonsi the Great My guild, my rules! 24,534,087 8,275
Jonsi the Great    Jonsi
Houndsmoor 5298 Jonsi the Great Jonsi 23,359,307 7,007
Jonsi the Great    Jonsi alone
Tuulech 2118 Jonsi the Great Jonsi alone 10,846,642 4,817
Jonsi the Great    Better on my own!
Uceria 1965 Jonsi the Great Better on my own! 8,900,389 4,980