14590 rank

21,093 points

67 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hippolyta the Great 666    Nexus
East-Nagach 2098 Hippolyta the Great 666 Nexus 123,733,924 31,328
Hippolyta the Great 666    SubZero
Tuulech 592 Hippolyta the Great 666 SubZero 68,201,744 84,789
Hippolyta the Great 666    Grt British Warriors
Arvahall 3968 Hippolyta the Great 666 Grt British Warriors 48,680,749 9,419
Hippolyta the Great 666    Great Building Guild
Korch 3343 Hippolyta the Great 666 Great Building Guild 42,410,927 6,414
Hippolyta the Great 666   
Sinerania 14590 Hippolyta the Great 666 21,093 67