4254 rank

6,406,588 points

7,629 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Richard the Bald    Dark Side of the Moo
Korch 1590 Richard the Bald Dark Side of the Moo 171,746,373 154,400
Richard the Bald    Light Bringers
Odhrorvar 3455 Richard the Bald Light Bringers 37,130,454 41,267
Richard the Bald    Starseeds
Dinegu 4255 Richard the Bald Starseeds 34,264,339 39,547
Richard the Bald    🍺 Still Game 👴
Houndsmoor 6407 Richard the Bald 🍺 Still Game 👴 12,967,532 19,036
Richard the Bald    Ravenclaw🪄
East-Nagach 6648 Richard the Bald Ravenclaw🪄 9,267,363 9,796
Richard the Bald    Swashbuckler Amity
Mount Killmore 6768 Richard the Bald Swashbuckler Amity 7,378,302 9,628
Richard the Bald    Inglorious Forgers
Sinerania 4254 Richard the Bald Inglorious Forgers 6,406,588 7,629