12243 rank

60,642 points

136 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Snazzle    Friends4Everyone
Cirgard 5941 Snazzle Friends4Everyone 14,636,487 25,802
Snazzle    event
Arvahall 11391 Snazzle event 2,065,809 5,712
Snazzle    WildThings
Brisgard 10416 Snazzle WildThings 1,987,284 5,866
Snazzle    Miner
Dinegu 10603 Snazzle Miner 1,038,757 3,635
Snazzle    The WildThings
East-Nagach 12187 Snazzle The WildThings 487,359 991
Snazzle    The WildThings
Rugnir 8873 Snazzle The WildThings 452,510 867
Snazzle    The WildThings
Fel Dranghyr 12163 Snazzle The WildThings 417,480 847
Snazzle    The WildThings
Houndsmoor 13255 Snazzle The WildThings 386,451 652
Snazzle    The WildThings
Jaims 12091 Snazzle The WildThings 384,221 708
Snazzle    The WildThings
Greifental 12234 Snazzle The WildThings 363,348 742
Snazzle    The WildThings
Parkog 8717 Snazzle The WildThings 362,529 682
Snazzle    The WildThings
Odhrorvar 11512 Snazzle The WildThings 353,526 590
Snazzle    The WildThings
Korch 12349 Snazzle The WildThings 338,255 596
Snazzle    The WildThings
Mount Killmore 13298 Snazzle The WildThings 331,855 579
Snazzle    The WildThings
Noarsil 11987 Snazzle The WildThings 328,587 610
Snazzle    The WildThings
Langendorn 11800 Snazzle The WildThings 318,500 584
Snazzle    WildThings
Sinerania 12243 Snazzle WildThings 60,642 136