13834 rank

30,552 points

75 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pythagoras the Sly 829   
Korch 2726 Pythagoras the Sly 829 68,754,318 17,531
Pythagoras the Sly 829    Blackheart
Odhrorvar 7373 Pythagoras the Sly 829 Blackheart 3,348,733 1,692
Pythagoras the Sly 829   
Dinegu 10084 Pythagoras the Sly 829 1,377,010 1,033
Pythagoras the Sly 829    「Market」
Langendorn 10113 Pythagoras the Sly 829 「Market」 725,530 703
Pythagoras the Sly 829    ICT PIRATE CREW!
Noarsil 12620 Pythagoras the Sly 829 ICT PIRATE CREW! 255,000 365
Pythagoras the Sly 829    The Royal Guard
Sinerania 13834 Pythagoras the Sly 829 The Royal Guard 30,552 75