1360 rank

73,630,519 points

14,273 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cleo the Great 467    Knights of Honour
Fel Dranghyr 1065 Cleo the Great 467 Knights of Honour 365,621,376 28,747
Cleo the Great 467    The Sapphire Order
Brisgard 1502 Cleo the Great 467 The Sapphire Order 244,504,689 24,410
Cleo the Great 467    The Rebels!
Rugnir 1034 Cleo the Great 467 The Rebels! 162,440,446 17,730
Cleo the Great 467    The Noble Temple
Korch 1851 Cleo the Great 467 The Noble Temple 142,096,703 20,934
Cleo the Great 467    Knights Manor
Cirgard 2308 Cleo the Great 467 Knights Manor 119,373,097 16,120
Cleo the Great 467    Houndsmoor Heroes
Houndsmoor 2856 Cleo the Great 467 Houndsmoor Heroes 97,459,976 15,000
Cleo the Great 467    Enter Sandman
Sinerania 1360 Cleo the Great 467 Enter Sandman 73,630,519 14,273
Cleo the Great 467    Cheeky Monkeys
Tuulech 902 Cleo the Great 467 Cheeky Monkeys 54,812,294 11,524
Cleo the Great 467    Layed back
Uceria 874 Cleo the Great 467 Layed back 42,628,422 9,329