8424 rank

390,949 points

185 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Snott    Silent Partners
Dinegu 9766 Snott Silent Partners 1,571,189 404
Snott    Ezi-going
Fel Dranghyr 10668 Snott Ezi-going 866,025 296
Snott    Free Guild
Mount Killmore 11287 Snott Free Guild 769,677 316
Snott    Lion Eyes
Houndsmoor 11836 Snott Lion Eyes 734,644 315
Snott    Peace
Odhrorvar 10492 Snott Peace 619,252 226
Snott    Just Fun
Rugnir 8560 Snott Just Fun 505,677 235
Snott    The Red Ship💯
Sinerania 8424 Snott The Red Ship💯 390,949 185
Snott    InVinoVeritas
Jaims 13637 Snott InVinoVeritas 217,684 146
Snott    Starter fun
Uceria 5128 Snott Starter fun 193,380 125
Snott    KnightsTemplar
Parkog 10782 Snott KnightsTemplar 121,219 105