4332 rank

4,492,994 points

4,227 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Deep thought type    mushy peas
Arvahall 6447 Deep thought type mushy peas 13,672,952 4,328
Deep thought type    molly
Odhrorvar 5779 Deep thought type molly 7,620,306 4,052
Deep thought type    Atlantis
Mount Killmore 6747 Deep thought type Atlantis 6,274,537 4,271
Deep thought type    Wits End
Noarsil 6521 Deep thought type Wits End 6,252,599 4,266
Deep thought type    Stuff.
Langendorn 6482 Deep thought type Stuff. 5,564,145 5,203
Deep thought type    More than two.
Korch 6946 Deep thought type More than two. 5,360,878 4,437
Deep thought type    Bicycles and fish.
Greifental 7301 Deep thought type Bicycles and fish. 5,134,885 5,229
Deep thought type    Fish and bicycles.
Sinerania 4332 Deep thought type Fish and bicycles. 4,492,994 4,227
Deep thought type    Whatever...
East-Nagach 7804 Deep thought type Whatever... 4,185,782 4,761
Deep thought type    Existential angst.
Parkog 4930 Deep thought type Existential angst. 3,256,604 4,071
Deep thought type    The Humanists
Houndsmoor 9934 Deep thought type The Humanists 1,708,973 2,873
Deep thought type    Sanctuary of Athena
Cirgard 10991 Deep thought type Sanctuary of Athena 1,064,580 2,712
Deep thought type    more
Dinegu 10771 Deep thought type more 959,218 2,490
Deep thought type    Deep thought.
Brisgard 12037 Deep thought type Deep thought. 914,298 2,484
Deep thought type    Always Sunny
Jaims 12634 Deep thought type Always Sunny 336,367 792
Deep thought type    beginners
Rugnir 9580 Deep thought type beginners 306,649 790
Deep thought type    Misfits
Tuulech 5539 Deep thought type Misfits 259,718 1,217
Deep thought type    Knights of Nee
Uceria 4713 Deep thought type Knights of Nee 211,399 566