2339 rank

26,565,385 points

19,138 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rosiemarrie    Chocolate and Chilli
Odhrorvar 2066 Rosiemarrie Chocolate and Chilli 105,462,338 123,722
Rosiemarrie    Samsara
Langendorn 3763 Rosiemarrie Samsara 32,588,171 24,906
Rosiemarrie    Bombey 13
Sinerania 2339 Rosiemarrie Bombey 13 26,565,385 19,138
Rosiemarrie    X Force
Cirgard 5131 Rosiemarrie X Force 21,729,623 16,269
Rosiemarrie    Joyous Guild
East-Nagach 5161 Rosiemarrie Joyous Guild 19,186,837 16,482
Rosiemarrie    JUST A GUILD
Tuulech 1577 Rosiemarrie JUST A GUILD 19,181,693 15,358
Rosiemarrie    Chatoria
Arvahall 7244 Rosiemarrie Chatoria 12,383,240 9,863
Rosiemarrie    KINGDOM OF HEAVEN
Brisgard 7851 Rosiemarrie KINGDOM OF HEAVEN 7,347,593 7,557
Rosiemarrie    Matildas Minions
Dinegu 12100 Rosiemarrie Matildas Minions 522,004 554