3397 rank

11,794,600 points

12,628 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Joan the Glorious 1060   
Korch 3607 Joan the Glorious 1060 38,802,833 23,986
Joan the Glorious 1060   
Noarsil 5031 Joan the Glorious 1060 16,718,247 10,713
Joan the Glorious 1060   
Cirgard 5672 Joan the Glorious 1060 16,433,795 14,091
Joan the Glorious 1060    DarkSideOfTheMoon
Sinerania 3397 Joan the Glorious 1060 DarkSideOfTheMoon 11,794,600 12,628
Joan the Glorious 1060    Sisyphus's boulder
Rugnir 4096 Joan the Glorious 1060 Sisyphus's boulder 10,417,553 12,546
Joan the Glorious 1060   
Greifental 6334 Joan the Glorious 1060 9,766,118 11,537