2117 rank

27,634,992 points

10,978 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
scaroman the wise    The Casual Guild
Arvahall 4413 scaroman the wise The Casual Guild 39,511,965 10,493
scaroman the wise    Gilded
Mount Killmore 3622 scaroman the wise Gilded 35,518,614 12,050
scaroman the wise    Event Friends
Rugnir 2566 scaroman the wise Event Friends 28,614,137 7,215
scaroman the wise    Pagans
Sinerania 2117 scaroman the wise Pagans 27,634,992 10,978
scaroman the wise    The Expanse
Cirgard 5140 scaroman the wise The Expanse 19,632,267 7,621
scaroman the wise    The Other Guys
Greifental 5314 scaroman the wise The Other Guys 15,942,476 6,558
scaroman the wise    Freezone
Odhrorvar 5253 scaroman the wise Freezone 11,197,173 5,344
scaroman the wise    Knights Who Say Ni!
Parkog 3700 scaroman the wise Knights Who Say Ni! 9,854,510 5,384
scaroman the wise    Event Horizon
Brisgard 7870 scaroman the wise Event Horizon 6,859,063 5,723
scaroman the wise    Brigantes
Uceria 2438 scaroman the wise Brigantes 3,768,607 4,937