2564 rank

15,563,889 points

16,144 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
LochAwe    Great Masters
Sinerania 2564 LochAwe Great Masters 15,563,889 16,144
LochAwe    Simply, Just For Fun
East-Nagach 6444 LochAwe Simply, Just For Fun 8,358,036 12,624
LochAwe    🍿 Popcorn 🍿
Arvahall 7966 LochAwe 🍿 Popcorn 🍿 7,736,771 7,821
LochAwe    Shadows In The Night
Cirgard 7419 LochAwe Shadows In The Night 5,978,127 7,691
LochAwe    The Guardians Quest
Odhrorvar 6194 LochAwe The Guardians Quest 5,950,985 6,047
LochAwe    ~ ShatterDawn ~
Uceria 1746 LochAwe ~ ShatterDawn ~ 5,171,277 6,746
LochAwe    SDK
Korch 7015 LochAwe SDK 5,111,883 6,280