13736 rank

31,567 points

25 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Paul the Altruist   
Dinegu 14304 Paul the Altruist 201,910 196
Paul the Altruist    Jolly Boys Outing
Greifental 14443 Paul the Altruist Jolly Boys Outing 137,755 77
Paul the Altruist   
Mount Killmore 16334 Paul the Altruist 101,046 54
Paul the Altruist   
Uceria 6332 Paul the Altruist 98,380 83
Paul the Altruist    Ollys Heroes
Fel Dranghyr 15901 Paul the Altruist Ollys Heroes 83,022 49
Paul the Altruist    The lone wolf
Arvahall 20033 Paul the Altruist The lone wolf 77,753 61
Paul the Altruist   
Brisgard 19812 Paul the Altruist 46,643 29
Paul the Altruist   
Rugnir 13609 Paul the Altruist 42,937 58
Paul the Altruist    Sūda Brāļi
Tuulech 9222 Paul the Altruist Sūda Brāļi 41,413 25
Paul the Altruist   
Korch 17369 Paul the Altruist 36,679 31
Paul the Altruist   
Sinerania 13736 Paul the Altruist 31,567 25